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I bet if you plan to add a new set of CBBE bikini out with armour rating equivalent to daedric, it would make a lot of players 'happy.' But I am not sure I'd want to be involved in such a 'project.' So you'd have to be more specific about what it is that you want to accomplish....

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I bet if you plan to add a new set of CBBE bikini out with armour rating equivalent to daedric, it would make a lot of players 'happy.' But I am not sure I'd want to be involved in such a 'project.' So you'd have to be more specific about what it is that you want to accomplish....

I use CBBE and love it, yet i am no fan of my girl runninga round in a bikini, thiong or her breasts bouncing exposed all over skyrim.


Just because 95% of users do that, does not mean we all do it, i am part of the 5% that is not into that ;)

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I bet if you plan to add a new set of CBBE bikini out with armour rating equivalent to daedric, it would make a lot of players 'happy.' But I am not sure I'd want to be involved in such a 'project.' So you'd have to be more specific about what it is that you want to accomplish....

I use CBBE and love it, yet i am no fan of my girl runninga round in a bikini, thiong or her breasts bouncing exposed all over skyrim.


Just because 95% of users do that, does not mean we all do it, i am part of the 5% that is not into that :wink:

I don't even use Body mods....too busy hacking away at people to really worry about how nice they look...but hey if you like it then that's cool it's a free mod world. Anyway I do believe this is about some kind of *Bleet* mod I may be wrong though.


EDIT: after posting I removed what I thought it was leavin it to the opening poster to say it he might want it to be a suprise idk.

Edited by Wafflesalot
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