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Modelling Question; Triangles?


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Hello there folks,


first of, I didn't find a general 3D/Modeling sub forum, except for the ones for specific games. I apologize, if my request here is misplace.


A friend of mine is currently translating something, and since my English is a bit better, she asked me for some help.

I figured it is not a language-thing, but a 3D/Modeling question, thus I ask here.


...each model was made up of barely over one thousand triangles mapped with a single color map (texture) having a resolution of 512 by 512 pixels. The character models were modular, consisting of a dozen or more volumes. Currently, each character model in The Witcher is a single volume constructed, in many cases, of more than five thousand triangles and enhanced with an entire palette of shaders that utilize four textures with a resolution of 1024 by 1024 pixels each.


The main question of me would be what exactly is meant with 'triangles'. I presume triangles are used in a form of modeling.


Therefore, if anybody could elaborate on the meaning/usage of the triangles in modeling, I'd appreciate it.


Thanks for your time.

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1st off

it is not wished by bethesda to use 3rdparty games content in mods and will be treated harshly




a triangle is as the name suggests a plane which consists of 3 corner points called vertices


a rectangle is a plane with 4 corner points and thus can bend around corners and can be divided into 2 triangles


a model usually consist of a defined amount of polygons which as the name suggests is a plane which consists of some tries (triangles) and quads (rectangles) and thus can bend aswell


the name quad is actually wrong as it has nothing to do with squares and thus the originating word quadrat


you can form any kind of 3dimensional shape just by using triangles


the more triangles a model consists of the more performance it needs to be rendered or calculated

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1st off

it is not wished by bethesda to use 3rdparty games content in mods and will be treated harshly

Notsure what exactly you mean,jaysus.I am aware of Bethesdas mod policy. And since I am not planning anything like that, it seems a little of.


Anyway, thank you for the elaboration. I am certain that it will yield the information needed.


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