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Slaver Overhaul


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I dont really like the orginal slavery system I mean the mesmetron cant be the only way to enslave...thats ridiculous and you have to trust that the people you enslave are going to run to paradise falls. really what the hell? why cant I guide the slaves there myself with a leash? I also hate this stupid mesmetron it doesent work on some npcs I noticed. like those beggars no matter what you do there heads explode or Mr.tenppenny. why cant I have mudane way of doing it? like a lasso or booby traps or maybe even be sneaky have a handkerchief dampened with Chloroform and then press it to there mouths in a sneak attack so they knock out and then you can collar them that way? or hell another way with text speak buy people drinks and get them so drunk you can slip it on them. what about in there sleep? dart gun poisons gotta make them tired at some point too. or something I mean good god this mesmetron is so stupid and haveing to have some good shitty luck just to make sure that get to the blasted paradise falls is ridiculous. what about multiple collars too? it pisses me off I can go and just enslave an entire town on the spot or something. how about some companion slavers too that will help you get slaves.


someone has to do this

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I dont really like the orginal slavery system I mean the mesmetron cant be the only way to enslave...thats ridiculous and you have to trust that the people you enslave are going to run to paradise falls. really what the hell? why cant I guide the slaves there myself with a leash? I also hate this stupid mesmetron it doesent work on some npcs I noticed. like those beggars no matter what you do there heads explode or Mr.tenppenny. why cant I have mudane way of doing it? like a lasso or booby traps or maybe even be sneaky have a handkerchief dampened with Chloroform and then press it to there mouths in a sneak attack so they knock out and then you can collar them that way? or hell another way with text speak buy people drinks and get them so drunk you can slip it on them. what about in there sleep? dart gun poisons gotta make them tired at some point too. or something I mean good god this mesmetron is so stupid and haveing to have some good shitty luck just to make sure that get to the blasted paradise falls is ridiculous. what about multiple collars too? it pisses me off I can go and just enslave an entire town on the spot or something. how about some companion slavers too that will help you get slaves.


someone has to do this

I'm no modder, but you should at least look through the nexus before posting a request.

Here is a link that does some of what you asked for.


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I'd like to see this redone as well. Would be nice to bring Mr. Tennpenny from Riches to Rags so to speak. I think EVERY npc in the game should be subject to being enslaved.


I hate the mesmatron thing also. I've gotten myself shot up by God knows how many npcs I thought I might be able to get a slave collar on only to find out that they can't be enslaved. What's the point? How is a player suppose to know who is and who isn't enslavable?


The devs should have never put the option in the game if they were just going to leave it half-baked like it is now.



All npo charaters need to be enslavable.


More slave collars need to be given to the player - at least 5 MINIMUM.


Player should be able to control slaves like they can with companions.


Player should be able to "connect" slaves together in groups of 5 and have to escort the slaves to Paradise Falls.


All captured slaves should be imprisoned at Paradise Falls.


Negative Karma should NOT be placed on slavers.


Mesmatron should be 100% effective on npcs.


Slave collars should be placeable on npcs while they sleep.


Slave collars should be placeable on unconcious npcs.



Finally.... The PC should be subject to becoming a slave as well. There should be slaver parties that roam the wasteland and can enslave the PC. If the PC gets enslaved the PC loses all of their inventory and get sent to Paradise Falls also. The PC is placed in an isolated pen with a "very hard" lock to pick. The player is given 1 lockpick that respawns inside a metal box once every 30 game minutes if it detects that there is no lockpick in the box. This way players are given unlimited chances to pick the lock but it's still hard to do if they have low lockpicking skills. Frustrated players could always cheat and use the "unlock" command if their lockpicking skill is so low that it's nearly impossbile to pick the lock and they just want to get out. Once the PC gets out of their pen they will have to sneak into a guarded room that an npc enters and leaves. In this room the PC will be able to steal the key needed to the storage room where their lost inventory items can be reaquired. Then an escape route out of Paradise Falls should be used to sneak out the back way as to avoid taking on the whole town. Of course an escape route would have to be made. Perhaps it could be a loose floor board that leads the player down into some caverns that come out somewhere just outside of Paradise Falls? Sort of like the movie "The Great Escape".

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