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Have mobs raise an alarm.


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Sure, it makes a sniper's job easier if the sentries around a camp don't like each other, so when they find one with his head blown off they don't care. Kinda breaks the whole immersion idea though.


I don't know what the capabilities of the scripting and the GECKing are. Would it be possible to modify the behavior of the sentient factions so that if they see a corpse of their own (and maybe of an allied) faction, they go into alert state and NOT leave it until either they or you (or some other enemy of theirs nearby that they can blame it on) is dead? And also pass the word on to others of their own faction that they come across in their hunt for you, so that if you're careless you'll soon have a whole camp gunning for you?

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Looked at the GECK with this in mind. It seems that the alert state is entered mostly around sound events, 'cause if they see you they just charge. So to get them to care that their buddy just lost his head, I am wondering if dead people could emit a sound event for a little while so that a passing ally would get triggered by it. I think extending the amount of time they stay in alert state after that would be quite simple.
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