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Half Elf Type Race (Human with Elf Ears)


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No matter what Itry, I just can't get this to work. How can I make a cstom race with human facial traits, but elven ears? Do I have to remodel the head nif/tri files to add elf ears? I can't even seem to just duplicate an elven race and change the skin colour. It just sets the face to look human with elf eyes. Any help would be wonderful.

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I tried doing this with my own character and failed miserably, not possessing a good way to edit tri files. So instead I followed a custom race tutorial for the CK, duplicated a human race, kept human body data but set to elf starting values, spells, and actor keywords.


Opened up the race's head nif, and copied in one of Nouserheres' ears. Looked ok in game.

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I wasn't a huge fan or Nouserhere's elf ears. They protude to far outward for the most part. They're also kinda big. I was pretty much hoping to have a humanoid race with long ears. I'm sure the morphs for custom noses and such just use code to adjust the face to change shape as apposed to actually remodeling it. It'd also make sense for explaining how there are never seems for any face combinations. I'll experiment with the .tri's and see what I can do.

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