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Request for keeping your Legendary Perks


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Hello, I was searching for this mod and couldn't find it, and I'd be shocked if I was the only one that would be interested in this.


The way it works now is that when you hit skill 100, you can reset your skill to 15 BUT you loose all your perks (you regain your perk points, but you can't put them back in the tree until you re-level your skill back up). In my view this is a major issue especially when it comes to resetting my main combat skill, archery. If I loose those perks, I'll be pretty much helpless when it comes to killing anything.


So what I'm requesting is a mod that will let you keep those perks when you reset your skill. That way I can still zoom in, slow time, and move fast with a bow drawn, ect. Also I'll still be able to craft dragon armor, and make powerful potions when I reset those skills too and won't become completely helpless.


Anyone feel like helping me out? Thanks!

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yeah i agree woth you, its very annoying that if i want to get a legendary skill i would lost all my perk :(

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Daventry, I'm not sure what you mean. You don't know how the new legendary perks work? Or you don't know how what I'm proposing would work?


But at any rate, I found a console command that will set your skill level to whatever you put in, and oh joy it keeps the perks in place!! :) So I suppose I could just do that each time I reach skill 100. (it's "player.setav skillname 15", or something like that.) But does anyone know if by doing this I'm missing out on something that legendary skill does? Or is it exactly the same.



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