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[WIP] Iron Man armour


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Hello everyone!


Considering the upcoming release of Iron Man 3, I thought I would try and re-create the Iron Man suit from the films, partly for the aesthetics, but also as a challenge as the suit has a complicated structure. I won't be able to continue and finish the mesh till June due to Uni exams, but here is the current progress:



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  • 1 year later...

I've finally got the motivation and time to continue with this again :smile:. Current progress:




Parts to finish:

Arms and hands



panel gaps/detailing

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Oh wow, looking forward to this! Been wanting a decent Iron Man armor for quite some time now. You have my support!


PS: Bonus points if you can have a Dwemer retexture of it or maybe something like this as well. Goodluck! :thumbsup:



Edited by zigen1111
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