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Problem with ENB & SSAO


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So, basically... I've been using ENBs on Skyrim for a long time. The current ENB I'm trying to use is SkyRealism ENB Evolved with the Vibrant preset. I've used SSAO with most of them with no problems at all until recently. Whenever I stand near something in-game, be it an NPC, wall, or what have you, if it has shadows, I can see it through whatever I'm holding in first-person. The problem doesn't happen with SSAO off, which is a simple fix, but I would really, really like to keep SSAO on. I've never had this issue in the past, and I'm not sure why it's happening now.


My graphics card is a 2GB SAPPHIRE ATI Radeon HD 6950. As for this being an issue with ATI, I have many friends who don't have this problem.


I've also tried deleting my .ini files and starting from scratch, but it still persists. I made sure to set bFloatPointRenderTarget to 1 and all that jazz. I've even tried many different ENBs and versions as well.


Any help is much appreciated.


Example screenshots:





Edited by ReaverOfSouls
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