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Increasing creature health


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Hey everyone, I have been having a bit of trouble. I want to increase creature health globally, make them tougher, without necessarily resorting to upping the difficulty slider (even then, the health isn't where I want it). I've had little success finding out how to do this so I am hoping someone here knows how I can do this without editing every single creature individually, including the ones added by mods like OOO and MOO.


Speaking of MOO, I've tried editing the .ini for that but as far as I can tell, no setting there increases creature health.

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I did edit every damn creature and NPC 2008 and I will never do that again for sure as it took weeks to do it. MOO is editing everything from scripts so make sure you load it last, even after the Wrye Bash patch, otherwise it wouldn't help any to edit those ini files, which are read by the MOO scripts. Personally, I am happy with the in game settings I have and it also depends on how much you did tweak your own weapons and spells so if you boosted them to much, you will end up in a less balanced game so maybe then, lower the damage you do your self.


I did boost my weapons, to do slightly more attack damage but I never went over damage 27 this period, which I did 2006-2008 so all my weapons that I use now are set to 27. I did not edit the Mehrune's Dagger, which I use when I do DB missions. If you use weapons with more damage than that, I suggest you edit them in CS and set them to max 27, no more.


Spells are harder but with spell making in game, you can set them to any value you want so if they do to much damage, well make new spells that do less damage. I had to do that after making an ultimate killing spell as my magicka is boosted a lot, so I can cast any damn spell there is. I had to lower that spell a lot but I have it as a backup in case I meet a to powerful boss.


So if I meet a monster I can't deal with, that gets health back faster then I deal like a Bone Lord or some bosses in some mods, I have to make a choice.

  • Call for help from companions
  • Use a very good poison
  • Use my boosted multi spell

It also matters a lot which level you are and your fighting style and if you use companions. I am now at level 74 and I can't say the game is easy as MOO do spawn some groups of lvl 84 mobs at the moment but not always, so I do felt that the game got slightly harder, at higher levels than before but for the moment, I try to only use Hand to Hand and combine that with a Mountain Lion, which I am training, so I focus at what the Lion does and support it and let it kill the targets for max exp, so we do take down mob by mob, slowly together, one by one and Hand to Hand is now 76 but as soon as I get to 100, I will change tactic and we see what I do next.


By the way, I combine MOO with WAC, not OOO but it shouldn't matter much I guess... Well MOO have a special ini file for WAC, so I guess Maskar is using it as well.

Edited by Pellape
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