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Magic effect targeting script instead of actor?


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<p>I duplicated the soul trap magical effect to create a version with no visual effects, then added it to a spell. It worked okay on my first attempt, but I later changed something which messed up the effect. I added debug ouput, and after casting the spell on Evette San (actor ID 198B3):<br />

 <br />

Soultrap effect started for [Actor < (00000014)>] targeting [WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (000198B3)>]<br />

 <br />

What might cause it to target a script with that ID instead of the actor? I've unsuccessfully experimented with all sorts of settings over the past hour to try and fix this. I'm struggling to figure out how I broke it.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Edit: I took a break, and when I came back I think I figured it out. I think it has something to do with the projectile. I changed it back to the default TurnUndeadProjectile, and that appears to have solved the issue.</p>

Edited by Thalassicus
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