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So want to share an odd glitch with everyone.


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So I obtained the Mace of Molag Bal and was in Whiterun just messing around and decided to start going balastic on everyone. I was clubbing anything that came in my way, Guards, Citizens, Children, Dogs and so on. Just basically running in a circle entering and exiting buildings.


Now I use Deadly Dragons which makes quest/important NPC's non-killable so the one's I couldn't kill kept chasing me after they catched they're breath so to speak.


Well all of a sudden all hell breaks loose and people start attacking each other. I seen Vignar Grey-Mane hauling after some little girl swinging an axe at her. Seen Vilkas was attacking one of the vendors at the stalls then proceeded to attack Belethor. Seen a few dogs attacking other people. Commander Caius was clubbing Ysolda around. Even seen one of the Companions tranform and and start hunting around.


Ended up racking up a 20,000 gold bounty before my game crashed, lol. Was hilarious though. Gonna have to try it again to see if I can replicate it.

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I tried it but only ended up with just over 11000 bounty...and a nice stretch in the lockup....and the glitch didn't work for me. Except for that old Battleborn bloke was doing a 'moonwalk' when I left the jail :biggrin:

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I tried it but only ended up with just over 11000 bounty...and a nice stretch in the lockup....and the glitch didn't work for me. Except for that old Battleborn bloke was doing a 'moonwalk' when I left the jail :biggrin:


Nice! I'm gonna try and see if I could replicate it as well. gsmanners is probably right, it was probably more mayhem than a glitch but it definitely wasn't something meant to be in the game that's for sure.

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