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LOD Generation in Tamriel

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I've seen tutorials knocking about for LOD generation in new worldspaces, but is there a way to do this for large custom structures added to Tamriel?

I am building a giant tower for my current project which uses many vanilla static objects, now I know there is a 'Is full LOD' flag in the reference window so do I just need to check that? I have already build most of the tower and don't want to waste my time checking loads of statics unnecessarily if it doesn't work.

EDIT: I just checked and that flag would be a bad idea apparently

Oh good the new coding system strikes again...can't be bothered fixing this :armscrossed:

Zaldir, at your service! ;) - Z

Edited by Zaldiir
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Yeah wouldn't recommend checking the "is full LOD" flag.


But yeah, you can generate object/terrain LOD for Tamriel. ALL of Tamriel. I don't know of a way to do this for just a section - haven't tried isolating the mesh/textures at the various LOD levels for just the cells I'm touching (by doing a full gen, then deleting the stuff I don't need). So other mods doing the same means last mod in wins.


How I long for a tes5lodgen so we can leave this in the hands of the users, where it belongs (each user generating LOD for his particular modded version of Tamriel).

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It talks about object LOD generation on the following page: http://www.creationkit.com/Creating_a_Custom_Worldspace_with_LOD


Scroll down to the appropriate section... Don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but hope it points you in the right direction at least.


What's wrong with IsFullLOD? I... Use that... Quite often... [worriedface]



Is this page relevant too by any chance? http://www.creationkit.com/Distant_LOD_Meshes_Dialog


I've come across this myself when editing custom statics in the CK, but don't know when/where/how the specified distant LOD meshes will be used.

Edited by demidekidasu
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@demidekidasu: The first is for generating new worldspace lod's, and the second looks like it would need me to make low-poly meshes of the whole structure as replacements...unless there are some objects in the bsa I can work with if I extract them...i'll check this out, thanks for the hint :wink:



What's wrong with IsFullLOD?

The problem with that is it doesn't create lod it just doesn't fade which can hit performance pretty hard and likely cause crashing especially for those with struggling systems - my mod is a huge tower made from a lot of static objects, so if I did this to most of the tower it could cause problems.

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If any of you ever find an answer to Ironman's original question, please get in touch with me also. IsFullLOD has decided to do weird stuff as of late and I don't think I can rely on it any longer...

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