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Performance with ENB+COT and HD Texture mods


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im pretty new to modding and after upgrading my system to the following:


GTX 680 (4gb vram)

i7 3770k @ 4ghz

16gb ram


I have been modding Skyrim for 3 Days nonstop while not having the desired result because of a clear lack of BRAIN. Im starting to get insane. Uninstalling and installing all mods.. Well.. I better start. So these are my mods:


random enb + cot

rlo or elfx

hd texture pack full

skyrim flora overhaul, sometimes lush grass

some single hd retextures (15 or sth..like hd barrels and stuff)

statistic mesh improvement



and some gameplay mods.


I have pretty good fps indoors (60 fps+) but outdoors it goes down to like 30 maybe. After uninstalling trillthousands of mods (and reinstalling them.. and doing it again..and again..) I came to the conclusion its COT! If I only deinstall cot and use different (even better enb!) framerate goes up to good playable 45-60. I really like what I have seen from cot so far and wouldnt want to miss it.


Anyway. Im wondering if it shouldnt be okay with my specs? Is GTX 680 not enough for the mods im seeking? Cpu bottlenecking? Or is cot that demanding (I thought ENB would be..). Im newbie in mod terms so if you have any ideas, please dont withhold :smile:


If you can help in any regard, I´d really appreciate it.


so long :OO

Edited by joghurt5000
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I tried ProjectEnb, Syncot, Skyrealism.. and many more. Once CoT is activated framerate goes down. Currently I have project enb realistic preset installed.


Edit: There is no thanks button.. so thanks in advance/already.

Edited by joghurt5000
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