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Need a bit of help to make my personal mod to work...


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Hi everyone, I'm new on the forum so I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong section, I couldn't decide between this and Troubleshooting...

Anyway, I have been working on my first mod for 3 hours now, it was my first time ever with Skyrim creation kit, and I managed to create a decent Werebear form (I can transform infinite times per day, and the form works too, I was so surprised lol)


But I can't really figure out how to make my Bear form last forever and how to implement a revert form command ( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/789739-werewolf-revert-form/ this would be perfect, but I already use werewolf mastery as a mod and I don't want any conflict).


What I'm asking for... is someone kind enough to explain me how to make the form infinite and how to revert at will? (possibly like the linked mod)


Thank you for any help, it'd be highly appreciated.

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Looking at how the shapeshifts in Skyrim work (werewolf/vamplord) it looks to be that scripts store your current characters race, then change your race to the new form's race, then there's script to restore the player's race when they revert back.


I'm not sure if that tiny scrap of information helps, but maybe you can work with it. The script I would check is the CompanionHouseKeepingScript, which covered werewolf transformation, but that's only a tiny fragment of the whole quest script as well. It's a godawful bloated script and the authors of it should be ashamed of themselves, but maybe you can extract useful information from it.


Hope it helps because I want your mod. :biggrin:

Edited by budcat
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Oh well as of now I strangely managed to get the form last indefinitely, however my biggest problem is how to revert back. Looks like it needs to be scripted from scratch, and I am no scripter, I only managed to reach this point out of deduction lol :(



EDIT: Feeding now active as well, quite useful since I'm planning on expanding the Werewolf perk tree to add Werebears perks. I'm still struggling to make a change back power activation without a menu though, any help GREATLY appreciated and credited.

Edited by Nattens_Madrigal
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