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[MOD REQUEST] Edit Boar/Wolf breeding limit in area.


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Note: The AllTameable mod already kinda does this. But is it very buggy and sort of uses its own method for duping the tames vs them really breeding, as in as long as the creature is 'happy' a dupe is spawned meaning you can dupe with a single creature. It's meant for normal non-tameables to well, be tamed and breed, and bugs out when you use to to edit boars/wolves.


That said. I'd like to request a mod that lets us edit the max limit of wolves/boars in an area that can breed. ATM you can only have 4 in a 5x5 area before they stop breeding. I'd like to be able to edit this to increase it so I don't need to do all these tricks you see on youtube like raise them up high in the air and drop them into a pit sort of thing.


That is... pretty much it... could go full circle and also edit grow-up time, pregnancy chance, and birth rate like the above mod also does... but I personally just would like to boost how many animals I can have in an area without doing some silly trick to make it happen.

Edited by Taiine
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