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Going for the best visuals. What GPU is recommended?


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Yes. I want my skyrim to run on at least 40 FPS on ultra settings. That's what I want. But I can't do that with this kind of hardware, but I was planning on upgrading. Any advice would be appreciated.


Here's what I have:



CPU: AMD Quad-Core A10-5700 APU 3.4 GHz

GPU: Radeon HD 7660D


I suspect everything else is good but I think the GPU needs to be upgraded in order achieve the full potential of the game's graphics. What do you think? Please, share an opinion.

I have currently a budget of 300€ for a graphics card. Any suggestions?

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You can mod your game so heavily that you will still have 0.5 FPS regardless of the platform you run it on =)


If you talk about unmodded skyrim a 560Ti will get you 50 FPS average on Ultra. So youre pretty much maxed out already. But I guess you talk about a heavy modded Skyrim, in that case your FPS depends on what you install. You should be fine with >=2GB VRAM card, any new mid-high end NV or AMD will do just fine, tho I do recommend NV because it tends to be more compatible with ENB.

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I'd say a 7870 LE. Don't go for NVidia graphics cards; RadeonPro only works for AMD GPUs and it alone is worth getting an AMD card for.


If you can wait, there will be the 8xxx series (Or 9xxx series; AMD has been unsure on the number of the new series) Radeon HD cards later in the year. Either the 7xxx series will be reduced in price, or you'll be able to get a 9xxx series card that'll do better for the same amount of dosh.

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You have an integrated graphics card. You cannot replace the GPU without changing the CPU, and the motherboard socket structure only supports the athlon II CPUs.

So the only alternative is to try a second card in Crossfire, but you may want to take a look at how that worked when tests by Tom's Hardware.


The hell are you on about? That's a bunch of bollocks. He can disable the intergrated GPU once he has a dedicated one and places it in his PCI-E slot.

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Rudeness is not required. It is possible to have an opposing position without resorting to profanity.

The funny part is, this whole conversation is based on an original post from over a month ago. I imagine whatever the OP decided to do, they have done.

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I'd say a 7870 LE. Don't go for NVidia graphics cards; RadeonPro only works for AMD GPUs and it alone is worth getting an AMD card for.


If you can wait, there will be the 8xxx series (Or 9xxx series; AMD has been unsure on the number of the new series) Radeon HD cards later in the year. Either the 7xxx series will be reduced in price, or you'll be able to get a 9xxx series card that'll do better for the same amount of dosh.


RadeonPro is a nice program, but I can't think of much that it does that Nvidia Inspector doesn't as well, and Nvidia's control panel is significantly better than CCC.


If you want a good reason to go AMD, it's the extra VRAM that it comes with versus similarly priced graphics cards from Nvidia. If a ton of mods is important to you, a 7970 has an extra 1GB oif VRAM compared to the 680/670. Of course the 770/780 were just released and have 3GB of VRAM as well, but they are over $600 each new, and figure to stay at that price range for quite some time - at least until AMD releases their 8xxx series, rumored to be at the end of this year.

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I'd say a 7870 LE. Don't go for NVidia graphics cards; RadeonPro only works for AMD GPUs and it alone is worth getting an AMD card for.


If you can wait, there will be the 8xxx series (Or 9xxx series; AMD has been unsure on the number of the new series) Radeon HD cards later in the year. Either the 7xxx series will be reduced in price, or you'll be able to get a 9xxx series card that'll do better for the same amount of dosh.


RadeonPro is a nice program, but I can't think of much that it does that Nvidia Inspector doesn't as well, and Nvidia's control panel is significantly better than CCC.


If you want a good reason to go AMD, it's the extra VRAM that it comes with versus similarly priced graphics cards from Nvidia. If a ton of mods is important to you, a 7970 has an extra 1GB oif VRAM compared to the 680/670. Of course the 770/780 were just released and have 3GB of VRAM as well, but they are over $600 each new, and figure to stay at that price range for quite some time - at least until AMD releases their 8xxx series, rumored to be at the end of this year.



RadeonPro has integrated SweetFX, SMAA and FXAA injectors; no need to fool around with d3d9 files. You can have 'em all enabled, all disabled or a mix.


It also has tweaks that allow you to pre-set the affinity of games, so there's no need to go in the task manager and do it yourself.


You can modify the quality of mip-maps.


Main three reasons that justify RadeonPro.



Also, see this.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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