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Need Help: Character Eye colour change


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Hello everyone,


I am new to skyrim modding . I have downloaded a bunch of cool mods.

But there is one mod that I feel is not working properly.


That is the RaceMenu mod, I want to be able to make my High Elfs eyes, red.


However I can only select the preset eye colours for the race with this mod installed, which does not include red.

Also it seems when I click to change hair colour and im given the little pannel to slide etc, the colour of the hair displayed on the r ight doesnt change according to what I am sliding to.


Furthermore, I tried to install the Extended Slider Colours mod, to see if that will allow me to have greater selection in colour.

But it seems this mod doesnt load at all since I have no slider colour panel which is shown on the mods description.


Therefore I would be greatful if anyone can help me .


Lastly, if anyone knows any fantastic mods for adding wizzard robes please let me know :)


Thank you !



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Well the problem has nothing to do with the RaceMenu mod.

What you need to do is open Creation Kit. When it's open you click on "file" then "data". Double click Skyrim to check its box then click ok.

It will now load. A few boxes might pop up, just ignore them. In the filter you should type "eyes". Now click on "*All" at the bottom of the list.

You will now see a list of headparts (they have heads for icons). Duplicate the dark elf eyes. After you've duplicated them, you should double click the duplicates and set "Valid Races" to "HeadPartsHighElf". Now save your creation.

Congratulations, you just created a mod that adds Dunmer eyes to Altmer!

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If you are using skse (and you most likely are) you should open vanilla skyrim's launcher then open it's data files list and click "ok".

If that doesn't work, try setting valid races to "HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeast".

It worked for me after that.



Don't forget to set your .esp as the active file.

Edited by tesseractangular
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Made the c hanges, however my showmenu just does nothing now. instead game freezes.


I think its because i was trying this new hair pack.. ill try removing that.


What do you mean by making the esp active file ? just making sure the data box is ticked in launcher?

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