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Can anyone recommend me some battle songs?


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Strength of a thousand men from Two steps from hell

Protectors of the earth from Two steps from hell

The last stand from Two steps from hell

United we stand from Two steps from hell

Archangel from City of the fallen


Basically a lot of songs from Two steps from hell would work. As well as music from maybe position music, city of the fallen , immediate music and audiomachine.

Edited by finalCrystine
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Li-Hsin Huang - Legion's Rally.

Nox Arcana - The Seige

Kevin MacLeod - Mechanolith.

Immediate Music - Def Con.


You may want to have a look at Incompetech and the Celestial Aeon Project as well.



Very good these songs, but I seek military music more exciting that these and much more aggressive.



Like the one below:



Only with the theme a bit medieval.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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