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New to modding, game shutting down at loading screen


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Hey guys, long time Skyrim player, first time modder.


For the past few hours, I have gone through all the basic mod motions (NMM, BOSS, SKSE) and have downloaded three mods (Sky UI, Project ENB, and Climates of Tamriel). Everything looked installed correctly, and NMM said everything was activated, but whenever I try to play the game off the skse loader, the game shuts down right after the bethesda logo. Can someone give me some ways to fix this? It is all somewhat overwhelming for me as a person new to modding, so help would be greatly appreciated.

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Project ENB is pretty intense if you're new to modding. It's not a mod that you would install simply with NMM, as there are some steps involved that you need to do manually. So perhaps you might have missed those steps? Or perhaps you missed downloading a patch from one of the mods you installed? But read all the descriptions and Read Me's for those 2 particular mods. Especially Project ENB. That one tells you that you will need to go to sites outside Nexus to download .dll's that will go into your Skyrim game directory...NOT the Data folder. So pay close attention to what you're doing....if not, exactly what you are experiencing now with CTD's at launch, will continue to happen.

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Hey guys, long time Skyrim player, first time modder.


For the past few hours, I have gone through all the basic mod motions (NMM, BOSS, SKSE) and have downloaded three mods (Sky UI, Project ENB, and Climates of Tamriel). Everything looked installed correctly, and NMM said everything was activated, but whenever I try to play the game off the skse loader, the game shuts down right after the bethesda logo. Can someone give me some ways to fix this? It is all somewhat overwhelming for me as a person new to modding, so help would be greatly appreciated.


This is what confuses me. I downloaded the binary file or whatever and placed it in the steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim folder. That is the directory folder, correct? I feel like this folder will just be a mess after more than 10 or so mods. I feel like I shouldn't be just dumping these files in there.

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The d3d9.dll goes into your Skyrim directory, that's the folder where TESV.exe is located. Mods will install into your Skyrim>Data folder. If you ever see .esm's or .esp's outside of that folder....then the mod wasn't installed correctly.

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CTD at logo screen is typically a mod dependency issue. Download BOSS, run BOSS, then download TES5Edit and load all your plugins in it. If TES5Edit stops loading and bounces an error message, the plugin that causes the error message is the one that is missing a master.


While you are at it, post your BOSS log (with the messages) here, include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS. Enclose them in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen.

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Ok, the game is now running, and all the mods are activated without errors according to the manager, but the game looks like vanilla Sky rim with no UI changes or anything. I've literally followed all the instructions on the mod descriptions. There's probably an obvious stupid thing I have done, but I can't figure it out. Just a couple more questions.


Are you supposed to install boss into the Skyrim folder?


SKSE has a data folder as well, so when I installed it it made me combine it with the Skyrim Data Folder that already existed. Is that ok?


Thanks for all the help guys, really appreciate it.

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My install of BOSS is at C:\BOSS. I just let it install where it wanted from the installer.


SKSE's Data folder does get merged with your Skyrim Data folder, so that is correct. You also have 3 items for SKSE that go into your Skyrim directory. (Where TESV.exe is located.)


Follow Ripples advice too. That is one smart Skyrim individual there...and has helped me a great deal in the past too.

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