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Increased XP From Skill Shards


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So Im reading about Skill Shards after finding one again, this is my third play through; and every time I find one of these shards I've Never noticed what they do. So I did some googling and found this article.



In it it stats the Skill Shards only give 400xp So im thinking that should Really Be changed to something more like.


XP = 400 x Total Level x Governing Attribute / Skill Progression Lvl




400 x Governing Attribute \ Skill Progression Level * Total Level.


Either way by the time you get to late game which is when I typtically found these the current Insignificant amount of 400 is like a slap in the face where a modded XP gain is more of a boon.


I think this would be a little less cheaty then just using CET and giving your self max lvl and attributes.


Anyway I really hope some one can do this.

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