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Puzzle for the day: Skyrim snapshot quality


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So, like most others, I find myself firing off a few snapshots here and there using the print-screen key.


When I examine them though, they never even come close to matching the level of quality I see in snapshots presented by mod authors. They look, idk, almost "VGA" in quality, very grainy when any magnification is used (unlike the aforementioned mod showcase snaps)


What gives? What's the trick to producing hi res snapshots? Is it all just a matter of how big your screen is (pixel wise), or is there some other tactic involved? Maybe some "Improved Snapshots" mod that's eluded me, or something similar?


thanks in advance.

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The larger the screen (pixel wise) the better the image will be. You will still get graininess when zooming in but it will probably take a few more steps to show than it does with a smaller resolution. File type can also play a factor. Try taking screenshots with ENB (if using that) or with the Steam overlay (if willing to have it on).

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