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Head texture much darken then body texture HELP!


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Hi there I got a problem.


I am using -CBBE- Body meshes and texture and Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide and BBP by ChronoTrigger77.


For the face I use pretty faces and facegen.



My problem: when npcs are wearing armor or clothes their heads are darker then their bodies when naked too.


How can I solve this problem ?

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ok ill try



Doesn´t work, I deletet all BBP esp and reinstalled CBBE , Remodeled Armor CBBE, Facegen, Pretty Faces.

It is allmost like the Head textur is in HD and the body is blurry or something like that.

Edited by pkmking
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CBBE and BBP are compatible, and have been for over a year. You just need to take an extra, simple, step to ensure they work together.


You have the dark head bug. I take it the NPCs with the dark head are ones that have been edited in some way? If so, you need to open the mods that made the changes in the CK, and generate the facegen data. You do this by selecting the affected NPC in the CK window, and pressing CTRL+F4.

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CBBE and BBP are compatible, and have been for over a year. You just need to take an extra, simple, step to ensure they work together.


You have the dark head bug. I take it the NPCs with the dark head are ones that have been edited in some way? If so, you need to open the mods that made the changes in the CK, and generate the facegen data. You do this by selecting the affected NPC in the CK window, and pressing CTRL+F4.


Ok I opend the CK....and how do I open the mods I use ....can u give me some instructions ? =)

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File -> Data -> select the mods that edit NPCs and only them -> click OK.

- If you only have one mod that alters NPCs, then set that as 'active' to make finding the affected NPCs easier.


It's been a while since I did anything in the CK, so I'm just going to copy/paste some instructions I typed up months ago, and make edits where necessary.


1. Open NPC-altering mod(s). Select Actor -> Actor. Locate the affected NPC(s), click on their name, and press CTRL+F4 for each one.. The exported face data will create the head mesh and bad head textures in the correct directory.
2. Open up .esp in NPC Editor. Check the makeup looks alright on the rather scary 'model', and correct it if it doesn't.
3. Make sure that the 'Save to BSA' box is unchecked, and click on Create Mod. Make sure the name of this .esp doesn't match your actual mod's name. If your NPC mod is called 'Fluffy.esp', call this new one something different...like 'NotFluffy.esp'. This will ensure the 'Fluffy.esp' and the head mesh aren't overwritten.
4. Delete the .esp you just made. 'NotFluffy.esp' isn't needed.
5. Go into data/meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/ and find the folder that's named the same as the .esp you made in NPC Editor. Delete it.
6. Go into data/textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/ and find the NPC Editor folder there. Go into it, and select and copy the .dds file. Go back one step (to the facetint folder) and find the folder named after your actual mod. Go into it and paste, allowing the file to overwrite.
7. Delete the NPC Editor folder in the textures. You don't need it any more.


This is pretty much what you need to do to ensure the NPC looks right - the CK doesn't export the texture correctly, and last time I used the NPC Editor, it didn't export the mesh correctly.

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File -> Data -> select the mods that edit NPCs and only them -> click OK.

- If you only have one mod that alters NPCs, then set that as 'active' to make finding the affected NPCs easier.


It's been a while since I did anything in the CK, so I'm just going to copy/paste some instructions I typed up months ago, and make edits where necessary.


1. Open NPC-altering mod(s). Select Actor -> Actor. Locate the affected NPC(s), click on their name, and press CTRL+F4 for each one.. The exported face data will create the head mesh and bad head textures in the correct directory.

2. Open up .esp in NPC Editor. Check the makeup looks alright on the rather scary 'model', and correct it if it doesn't.

3. Make sure that the 'Save to BSA' box is unchecked, and click on Create Mod. Make sure the name of this .esp doesn't match your actual mod's name. If your NPC mod is called 'Fluffy.esp', call this new one something different...like 'NotFluffy.esp'. This will ensure the 'Fluffy.esp' and the head mesh aren't overwritten.

4. Delete the .esp you just made. 'NotFluffy.esp' isn't needed.

5. Go into data/meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/ and find the folder that's named the same as the .esp you made in NPC Editor. Delete it.

6. Go into data/textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/ and find the NPC Editor folder there. Go into it, and select and copy the .dds file. Go back one step (to the facetint folder) and find the folder named after your actual mod. Go into it and paste, allowing the file to overwrite.

7. Delete the NPC Editor folder in the textures. You don't need it any more.


This is pretty much what you need to do to ensure the NPC looks right - the CK doesn't export the texture correctly, and last time I used the NPC Editor, it didn't export the mesh correctly.

Ok I really dont now wich mods exactly change NPCs , most of them are .esm Master files.


My Load order.



Evil Lair of Hydra.esm








AP Skyrim.esm









PopulatedCities 2.esp





Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp








I use the standard slim UNP and face I use caverwomen +XCE for UNP



Ok which mods should I select in the CK ??? Even the standard NPCs (Camilla valerius) get the dark head bug only my player char ist untouched.




I opend CK

checke Skyrim.esm

choose actor Valeriuscamilla

opened the preview windows ... textures doesnt fit at all.....

go back to object window selcte npc name und pressed ctrl + f4 ...

after that I opened the preview window again and camillas head was a mass up ....she got a dark forehead.

Edited by pkmking
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You may want to look at those 'ub_x.esp' mods. Those are the only ones I don't recognise straight away that seem to edit NPCs.

Ok I tell you what I did.


Open CK -> data file -> only ub_x.esp checked (3 of 3) -> Actor-> subtrees -> select all NPC of the 5 Races (there ware a lot of them) -> press ctrl f4 -> open the preview window (this tool ist f*#@ uped) look at my NPCs head, they are clipping with the body....what can I do against this ?

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