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Hunter of Hircine


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I seem to have a problem with this, the game spawns Hunters of Hircine in groups that attack EVERYTHING. Hares, Elk, random NPCs. They're fairly strong too. I have no idea what mod adds this. My only suspect is ASIS random spawns. My setup is currently this

1=lvlHunter lvlHunterEastmarch lvlHunterHorseRider
2=lvlHunter lvlHunter
3=lvlbanditmissile lvlbandit1h lvlbandit2h lvlbanditwizard lvlbanditboss
4=lvlHunter lvlHunterEastmarch lvlHunterHorseRider
5=lvlbanditmissile lvlbandit1h lvlbandit2h lvlbanditwizard lvlbanditboss
6=lvlHunter lvlHunterEastmarch lvlHunterHorseRider
7=lvlHunter lvlHunterEastmarch lvlHunterHorseRider
8=lvlbanditmissile lvlbandit1h lvlbandit2h lvlbanditwizard lvlbanditboss
9=lvlHunter lvlHunterEastmarch lvlHunterHorseRider
10=lvlSilverhandMelee2H lvlSilverHandMeleeAny lvlSilverhandMissile
11=lvlPenitusOculatusBattlemage lvlPenitusOculatusMelee1H lvlPenitusOculatusMissile
12=lvlHunter lvlHunterEastmarch lvlHunterHorseRider
13=LvlVigilantOfStendarr LvlVigilantOfStendarrDarkElfF LvlVigilantOfStendarrFemaleEvenToned

May it's the lvlHunter or lvlHunterEastmarch??
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