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agreed terminator mod would be cool


funny thing is i first remember bethesda from the terminator game they made ages ago , which for its time still had expansive levels

and good graphics which i have no doubt that they used the experience to develop oblivion and FO3, and they probably even based some DC ruins structures and terrain off old terminator concept art

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  • 1 month later...
=) Ok I've followed this thread from the beginning. I'm totally for it. I one day successfully made a companion that I called Kerrigan the Cyborg. This was because I though it'd be neat to make a cyborg companion. I'll post a picture of her on here if anyone is interested. I thought she'd make a neat addition to this terminator mod. Second I'd like to start modeling. I'm a newb but I got the tools, so how bout I give and effort and see what happens. :thumbsup:
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Bump. Need to keep this thread alive. This is the main base of operations for all those wishing to for a full fledged terminator mod. Just to be clear for all those reading, kennyimpala's ambition in this thread wasn't to make a single one shot quest or a quick terminator this or that, the Idea here is to make a Full Conversion Mod. This is something that obviously takes lots of time, planning, and talented modders. The goal here is to keep things in motion so when the light bulb pops on it stays on, and such a dream may become a reality. ;)
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Bump. Need to keep this thread alive. This is the main base of operations for all those wishing to for a full fledged terminator mod. Just to be clear for all those reading, kennyimpala's ambition in this thread wasn't to make a single one shot quest or a quick terminator this or that, the Idea here is to make a Full Conversion Mod. This is something that obviously takes lots of time, planning, and talented modders. The goal here is to keep things in motion so when the light bulb pops on it stays on, and such a dream may become a reality. ;)


thanks, as i said before, somewhere on the tread, I will be working on this one on my summer vacations.

right now, I just don't have time.


just in case, I won't be using any material from someone else work, this will be a totally original work from me and my team

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:thumbsup: put in your signature this thread so other plp who are interested may help you also ((do you need F3 cd to activate geck dont worry i have original in case you ask))


-sure :ermm:

-can't answer that, because idk what you are talking about

-I don't use geck (it %$^#% my game last time, and that is my precious) so no I won't be learning or using geck at all, but my team is.

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