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Need Suggestions for graphics mods


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I want to make my game look as amazing as it can with the best/most effective mod combination possible. I see the different type of mods out there, but don't want to just download them all because I know certain mods can possibly conflict with each other and don't want my game to crash or look bad due to a combination not matching effectively. If someone could give me a list of extremely good graphics mods that go together, I'd really appreciate it. Also, let's assume that my computer can handle any and all mods, so don't hold back because a normal computer wouldn't be able to handle it. Thank you for reading this and I hope you all can give me some advice! :)

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Install large overhaul mods first, followed by mods that only change one thing. For instance, the mods I use are:



Skyrim HD




Enhanced Nights


Flora Overhaul

Ruins Clutter Improved



Book of Silence



Nightingale Prime

Improved Clothing

Elaborate Textiles

Unique Uniques

AEterna Circlets

Jewels of the Nord



Bellyache's Animal and Creature pack

Bellyache's HD Dragons

Slof's Horses

Slof's Unique Shadowmere

Slof's Unique Frost



Climates of Tamriel

Project ENB


Cosmetic character mods:

CBBE Slim-based BodySlide body + Facepack.

Better Males Sundracon body, 'younger Geonox without beard' face, Smooth male body normal map.

Apachii SkyHair

Natural Eyes

Ethereal Elven Overhaul



Install in pretty much this order. Mostly it's fine to install a lot of these in any order, but the ones that are important are: Skyrim HD and SMIM first, before everything. Book of Silence before HAR. Improved Clothing before Elaborate Textiles.

Edited by Jeir
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