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everything loads one day next day CTD for no rreason


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So here it is. Everything is perfect on my game i can play for hours at a time no crashes nothing. I can fast travel, quicksave, SAVE save the whole 9 yards. I've even quit the game after a new save back to desktop and then relaunched and it works fine. The next day though if I try to continue from where i quite CTD. At that point i have to start backtracking saves to find one that will let me launch the game and save. ALL of my quicksaves and SAVE game saves launch they just won't let me save. I genearlly have to go back about 4 to 6 saves to find a usable game. When i check on Wyre it shows that all the saves are good. I'm stumped has anyone else had this happen? If so what's the culprit and how do i fix it?

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Wyre Bash cannot report mod conflicts though. So when it's showing that all mods are 'good'....or that your save games are good....all that it is reporting is that your mods are in the same position in the load order from when you created that save. Unfortunately there is nothing around that reports that your load order, no matter how perfectly sorted, has conflicts between mods.


Why your game works one day but not the next? Hard to say. I think we've all had days like that. I know I've had my fair share of them. I've played for a full day with no issues. Did numerous quests, went from interior cells to exterior, saved games and exited from Skyrim...launched again with no problems......then would go to bed for the night shutting down my PC, only to return the next day and have Skyrim completely unplayable. CTD's, freezing, no loads...the whole nine yards.

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Thanks, I've about given it up for dead. I've played it through 3 times and I had finally gotten it to look and act like I wanted it to the first time. Now I spend more time working on it than playing with it. Guess its time to take a break from it.

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I did forget TES5Edit.....It has a feature that can help you hone in on the problem mod. Once you launch TES5Edit, load ALL your plug ins into it (A very simple step)....IF there is a problem with any mod and how it loads in your line up, your load order will generate an error. From there you can view the Messages tab, get the full error message, then start researching how to resolve it.


I saw this reported by another user, so I can't take all the credit for this 'answer'. And I don't know enough about TES5Edit to help beyond this.... :(

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Thanks I'm really familiar with all of this. I ran TESS, BOSS and Wyre everything clean , I must have something left over someplace that is causing it. I've been messing with this for over a week and just said screw it and started a clean game. All 118 on my mods works perfectly in the new game with no problems at all. But if i load on of the old ones - forget it, loads fine runs fine but as soon as I try to save or quicksave it either CTDs or says its doing it but then won't reload on a new start up. At this point the new game is easier. Thanks for the response.


Just lost 4 months of my real life in playing time.... well back to Helgen again

Edited by NodTuGud
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