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Radeon 9800 pro graphical glitch


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I just purchased a Radeon 9800 pro 256MB 256bit card and I have been seeing whit dots and strange boxes in any game that I play.

For examples go here or here.

I have read about other people having the same problems and the following suggested solutions and causes haven't helped:

Overclocked (mine isn't nor was any of the others having the problems)

Overheated (" ")

Download new drivers (I have tried the DNA, Omega, and Catalyst drivers...don't work)

Turn off Fast Write (It's off, didn't help)

Format Hard Drive (2 times, nope, still messed up)


I have read about 5 or 6 different people having the EXACT SAME PROBLEM.

Because of that, I get the felling that the card isn't defective but ATI just created a crappy card. If any of you could be of any help I would GREATLY appreciate it. AND don't buy the 9800pro, unless you want to pay $272+ for a headache. :(

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