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Looking for graphic mods to make Skyrim look AMAZING


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Hey guys. I am looking for some mods to make Skyrim look AMAZING, but without using an ENB's. I find ENB's cause too much problems, like I am not able to use MSI Afterburner while running with the Superl3 ENB I was previously using without crashing the game, and Project ENB kept crashing everytime I loaded the game, and yes I installed the ENB right. Also I would like to customize my game the way I want with as much as mods as I want without having to worry about as much incompabilities as I would with an ENB. Is there a way to make the game look just as good or almost as good as an ENB would? I want intense lighting mods, beautiful night skies, beautiful daytimes in the forests, I want good textures, grass, snow, water etc. Does anyone have their own set up of mods that they can give me?


My computer specs


Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 @ 1240MHz

i5 3570k @ 4.2GHz

G.Skill Ripjaws X 8GB DDR3-1600

Windows 8 64 bit


I don't want my fps going under 50, but I won't see that ever happening unless I am using a very demanding ENB.


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There were already 2 active threads open about graphic mods:




Perhaps you could have a look at these and see if anything is what you're after?

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I did look all over to see if there were active threads about it, never saw the first one you linked. The second one only had an ENB suggestion, which I don't want. I will see if the first link has anything of interest to me, thanks

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Hey, if your rig can handle it try this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936


I grabbed all the mods he listed, DLed them in order but I didn't dowload the ENB from his page. I just grabbed the mods he used and downloaded them each (making sure the order list was maintained throughout the downloading process) and the game looks AMAZING!


So from that page i have from Ruins --->Pure Waters and all the mods in between. Then Option A for the second set of installs, and from the reccommended extras I have all of them (Hd Enhanced Terrain and Map snow 2048X2048 Version by Hritik Vaishnav all the way to A Quality World Map - With Roads - Quality World Map - Main Roads by IcePenguin from the list.)


Make sure you go to the files tab on the downloads to make sure you're not missing out on any HD optional files that some of the mods have. Yes, it takes a while to DL the whole set but if you want your eyes to be amazed with Skyrim, it's worth it.

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