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How can I increase my LOD so trees and grass appear further away. I'm using vurts flora overhaul as I'm sure almost everyone would be yeah? Anyway I want trees and grasses to show further away like when I'm in the tundra In whiterun it's very immersion breaking looking a few hundred metres in front and seeing a rough texture barren land but then move a little further and it all appears. Same as when I'm out near solitude looking from the mountains down. Anyone can help with this. I think it's to do with my ini file
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Yep you you must tweak your ini files. A easy and a relative save way is to use this tool http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/814

You can load more cells who increase your distant details but it also need a increased block distance, increased tree distance and ofc increased grass render range.

Be careful if you once load higher cells then 7 who is std your safe game don't load anymore if you want to reduce the cells. Cells from 9 to 11 are fine, if you want more view range you must have a really powerful rig and SSD's/Ramdisk for running Skyrim. At a certain point your game won't load anymore if you go over the engine/system limits.

Edited by Vanadinit
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