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Valheim Unstripped DLLs wants to reinstall every time I de/-activate the Valheim Plus


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How the topic says.

Every time I de- or activate the mod, Vortex Mod Manager wants to install the Valheim Unstripped DLLs and forces me to go to the mod's side. I have no choice but to download the mod again.

It's frustrating!
What can I do against it?
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This appears to be a multifaceted issue.

For one, Valheim Plus includes an installation of BepInEx, which it probably shouldn't. This should probably be up to the user to acquire and install as a requirement for V+. This means it includes a version of 'doorstop_config.ini' file used to tell the game where to load the unstripped .dlls used to load mods.


Two, the current version of the Valheim extension for Vortex appears to just overwrite the 'doorstop_config.ini' file with a version for use with the 'unstripped_managed' package when you deploy, regardless of whether or not you already have it(via Vortex) or the proper version of BepInEx already installed. You might be able to circumvent this by extracting the unstripped package directly into the Valheim directory, but I can confirm it ignores the proper full version of BepInEx entirely and overwrites the config to point to the 'unstripped_managed' package when deploying.

I don't see the first point changing at all. V+ continues to include more and more feature bloat and including their own version of BepInEx seems to fall in line with their 'One Mod to Ruin them All' mantra. As for the Vortex extension, looking at the commits to GitHub it appears the author has fixed the issue so look forward to that in a future update of the extension.


EDIT: It actually looks like the extension just got updated

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