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mcm missing?


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So I've seen people say that one or two mod menus are missing but I just flat out don't have the option? I tried to start a new game and the mods seem to be there, as I have alternate beginnings mod installed and I started off correctly. However when I press escape and look for the mcm it's just not there. The mods option is there and i can choose load order, so the mods themselves are clearly there. Any help would be fantastic.

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Do you have all the requirements installed and active in order to have MCM menus?


You need SKSE for your version of Skyrim

You need SkyUI for your version of Skyrim

I do, so for context everything seemed to be working fine until today, when I tried to install FNIS. Since I had to move my steam library to do that I tried to uninstall and reinstall each mod (not manually, just through vortex manager) and I might have done something wrong since for my saved files it said that the mods that I used weren't there. My next step is probably to try removing all the mods entirely and starting from scratch I guess? I'm really not sure, but I've been putting it off bc it'll be a pain to do again but I don't have a super absurd amount of mods at this point so oh well I guess. I'll post back if redownloading them works, but in the meantime if you have any other suggestions I'm probably willing to try it

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I can't really help you there as I do not use Vortex. My recommendation would be to "start over". Perhaps someone who uses Vortex might have some better ideas.

yeah i decided to star over, i fully deleted all the mods and redownloaded, i even uninstalled and reinstalled vortex as an extra measure. Maybe that was overkill but it worked so I'm happy :)

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