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[Character] The white shadow issue


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Hello everyone !


So it's been a very long time I haven't played Skyrim. Last time I did, I tried some ENB mods just to delete them again (all of them seems to cause graphics bugs with lights and so on).

Back on topic : when I uninstalled the last ENB, I noticed some kind of weird bug with my character's shadow, check the pictures below.






As you can see, my character's shadow has completely vanished in day light, however in some spots I can see it barely.

And in almost all dark spots, I have a white shadow...


I tried to delete the skyrim.ini file, but it didn't do the trick. So I came here, seeking help and advice.


I really want to play the game again, but this is gamebreaking for me :(

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this is wack... wth :O


did your previous ENB come with any other files for the Data folder in skyrim, and have you made sure you removed all of them? Assuming you didn't have this problem before this ENB, ever.

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maybe related to some meshes? unsure...

can you check that for instance on your character's face/skin you have the same issue? might be related to some body meshes getting mixed up... does a new character have the same? shadows on other objects seem to be fine.

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  • 1 year later...

OP has probably resolved this issue by now, but in case someone has this problem in the future, here is how I fixed it: it's caused by reducing the sunlight too much, in my case it was the "Sunlight" option from the "Imaginator" mod. To fix it, simply wait until the problem occurs, then adjust the sunlight until the shadows appear normal again.

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OP has probably resolved this issue by now, but in case someone has this problem in the future, here is how I fixed it: it's caused by reducing the sunlight too much, in my case it was the "Sunlight" option from the "Imaginator" mod. To fix it, simply wait until the problem occurs, then adjust the sunlight until the shadows appear normal again.

Oh wow, what.


I've been tearing my hair out dealing with those accursed white shadows for the past few weeks now, tweaking my INI files and all.

I never thought to look at Imaginator. Thank you very much for taking the time to post the fix. Top notch, mate.

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  • 1 year later...

OP has probably resolved this issue by now, but in case someone has this problem in the future, here is how I fixed it: it's caused by reducing the sunlight too much, in my case it was the "Sunlight" option from the "Imaginator" mod. To fix it, simply wait until the problem occurs, then adjust the sunlight until the shadows appear normal again.

I will definitely look in to this considering the fact that Vondure seems to have had success with it. The only problem I may have is that the snow in Climates of Tamriel will go back to being annoyingly bright... Which was resolved by turning down the sunlight via Imaginator. :( *sigh* I guess this is one of the instances where you have to pick your poison.

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