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T3nd0s Skyrim Redone question


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Been doing allot of reading about Skyrim Redone mod and so far sounds like an incredible mod my only problem is it seems change the stats of all the weapons and armor in the game. Is there anyway to change that ? Since it will pretty much every other weapon/armor mod weak compared to the default gear. Think its part of the main module so its not something that I just could not install like the combat module, Race module or combat module.

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Well, i'm no expert on the Reproccer that comes with SkyRe, but T3ndo does explain how to tweak the stats Reproccer assigns on the description page. So, in theory, you can tweak every stat to your hearts content. But my guess is that it'll be -very- time consuming.

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Ye just found out about the reproccer at the end of his insane long PDF about this mod. Looks like it will auto-adjust any item mod that is added to the game when you run the reproccer which is pretty amazing. Sounds like its mainly based on keywords on the items added but sounds like you can manual adjust the items as well so if i don't like the stats that the reproccer gives the item . I can just go in and change the stats of the item to be closer to what I want.

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Heya! I have just recently started a new playthrough as a Arcane Archer, and SkyRe is perfect for that. But when I'm reading through the Destruction tree regarding the Deep Freeze and similar perks, I'm wondering whether or not those perks enhance frost damage, without any regards if its from a spell or a enchanted arrow/enchanted weapon. The perks says "spell damage", but I felt I had to ask. If they do enhance frost damage from any source, I feel obligated to add destruction to my character. Thanks for any answer!

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If it says 'spell' damage I would assume that has to do with any projectile type magic, so to answer your question yes it does. Although if your unsure, you could make a save, get the perk and then test it out, if it isn't what your looking for then you can simply load your save you created prior to obtaining the perk, if it is then just keep playing.

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