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Is there a mod that lets you take all armor from a dead NPC? (Click fo


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So, I was playing Skyrim and doing this sidequest. I killed some guys wearing Daedric armor, but I couldn't loot the armor from them! Is there a mod that lets you loot EVERYTHING from a dead NPC's body?


*Note, this is not a mod request. I am wondering if there even is a mod that does this. Thank you!*

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To answer the question tho... There is a feature built in by default that you can use to remove all items from dead NPCs. It is the button associated with "Take All" option (typically the letter R).


As gingersnapples said, you cannot take certain ear from certain NPCs.

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I have not seen one in particular just for that.


As far as I can tell, when you see other characters 'wearing' certain armor, it does

not mean it will be in their inventory to loot.


Modders generally make the items available to the inventory and the player won't

know the difference.


A modder could create a skin that makes it look like someone is wearing cool armor, but

doesn't have to make it actually EXIST in the dead npc's inventory, or even in the GAME.

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