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Lets trade Mod Packs


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I'd love to share my collection of mods. of course if didn't make any of them but the combo is great and i think people should be allowed to share they're collections with others. i'd love to swap out my mods to try out someone else's.


if anyone is interested in sharing / trading mod collections hit me up, we can use google drive or something.


Game On!

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Nexus should have a "Share mod list" kind of feature, and when your "mod" (that shares the list, not mod-files created by others) that others could download and "install" with Vortex (or other compatible mod-managers) that went and DL the mods for you. And installed and enabled them. That could be a big step to get more gamers to mod :smile:



And on server side, some Nexus extension checked your mod manager, to be sure you have the right mods and versions of mods to be able to log into the server. And server askes client mod-manager to start to correct client-side, if it's needed.


Edit: so to be precise: Mod-Manager used, are DL from the original mod-pages, and directs all traffic, endorsement, feedback, updates etc to original authors.

So when brand new to modding? No problem! :) Download this "mod-list" of 14 mods, and let Vortex DL, install, enable and deploy all 14 mods for you. All stuff with load-order, dependencies, excluded files, etc are handled my the manifest file you just downloaded.

This might be wise to have in the Vortex Subforum. :)

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