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Really strange female character CTD


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okay well, lets say i have a male character, quite far into the game and i decide to change him to female, so i use 'showracemenu' in the console and everything works fine (although sometimes it crashes when changing to female but sometimes it dosn't, in this case it hasn't) so i've changed my character to a female and after doing this it seems that the game will ctd about 5-10 minutes into the game after changing gender without fail. Also lets say the game is certain to crash 10 minutes after the gender change and i save the game 7 minutes in and then shut the game down and load it agian but with that save, it will end up crashing after 3 minutes so in total it's still 10 mins after the gender change.. i think it's really strange, but could possibly be to do with one of my mods but i have no idea what mod it could be, someone please help! :(

Running skyrim on the latest patch with SKSE and SKY UI fully patched aswell

Here is my BOSS log:



Version 2.1.1


Plugin Type Count
Recognised (or sorted by user rules) 191
Unrecognised 95
Inactive 47
All 286

Plugin Message Type Count
Warning 4
Error 3
All 52

* Your masterlist has been updated to revision 6779 (2013-04-28).
* Note: Latest BOSS thread ("http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1457307-relz-boss-for-skyrim/")
* Note: The BOSS team has been overwhelmed with the popularity of submissions of unrecognised plugins from the BOSS Log and the number of outstanding unique submissions. As of 26 April 2013 we are at over 5500+ plugins to add to the Masterlist dating as far back as September 2012. If you are interested in helping to get these plugins added to BOSS's masterlist, please PM Aellis (Bethesda Softworks Forums ("http://forums.bethsoft.com/user/364024-aellis/") or Nexus Mods ("http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showuser=65745/")).
* Note: Your SKSE is up-to-date.
* Note: The order of plugins set by BOSS differs from their order in its masterlist, as one or more of the installed plugins is false-flagged. For more information, see "file:../Docs/BOSS%20Readme.html#appendix-c False-Flagged Plugins".

SKSE Plugins

SKSE Version: Checksum: 6C5C4D2B

Recognised Plugins

These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action.

Skyrim.esm Active Checksum: C665FD56

Update.esm Active Checksum: 9D4C690E
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Dawnguard.esm Active Checksum: 7FC614C8
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

HearthFires.esm Active Checksum: C802D71C

Dragonborn.esm Active Checksum: 31200F46

ApachiiHair.esm Checksum: 783F7167

RaceCompatibility.esm Active Checksum: D11EBB81

AP Skyrim.esm Active Checksum: 2D828927

JSwords.esm Active Checksum: 5C5F1687
* Warning: Original file was released before the CK (07 Feb. 2012). A fixed and cleaned version can be obtained here ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26230").

Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.esm Active Checksum: E44A1A77

Omegared99-Compilation.esm Active Checksum: D0FB1A5D

SexiS.esm Checksum: D24AAE98

TERAArmors.esm Active Checksum: C8EAD126

ElisHotSprings.esm Checksum: DF3B62E9
* Requires: ApachiiSkyHair ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10168")

Hideout.esm Active Checksum: 3DE8B4F
* Warning: Original file was released before the CK (07 Feb. 2012) a compatibility patch fixed and cleaned with TES5Edit can be obtained here. (Compatibility Patch ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26230"))

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Active Checksum: FE445CE5
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}

Delphine Makeover.esp Active Checksum: ED0A5060

Fantasy Music Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: 14579296

cao_ToolsTrade_BuyRL.esp Checksum: BABA4014

Crafting300.esp Checksum: 46C639C1
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

DragonSoulsToPerks.esp Checksum: 592636AA

DSpSoB.esp Active Checksum: 8FAD1B41
* Note: Make sure you use Dawnguard version.

Dual Sheath Redux.esp Checksum: F261A7F7
* Requires: Java Runtime Environment 7 update 17+

Extra Encounters.esp Active Checksum: 89066232

greatwyrm.esp Active Checksum: 5181DA81

Hecatic.esp Active Checksum: 1D898B8

here there be monsters.esp Active Checksum: F67523FB

Immersive Brigands.esp Active Checksum: 239692A7

Immersive Patrols.esp Active Checksum: 5E4A7427

LoversComfort.esp Checksum: 358F33F0
* Error: SexiS.esm is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without it.

milkywaygalaxy.esp Active Checksum: 1D39BB6D

PerkPointPotion.esp Active Checksum: 200F948A

RaceMenu.esp Active Checksum: 3ED01BFC

RaceMenuPlugin.esp Active Checksum: 8A8A009F
* Note: RaceMenuPlugin is optional and provides support to alter Height, Breast, Glute and Biceps. If you experience issues with it, disable RaceMenuPlugin.esp and inform the author.

SkyUI.esp Active Checksum: BA843F07

SkyrimSpellCleaner.esp Active Checksum: F07C06AA

AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp Active Checksum: 4523D18E

battleflute.esp Checksum: 11016873

Battlemode Armors.esp Checksum: E2ECC60D

Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp Active Checksum: FF18158A

Blacksmith Chest.esp Active Checksum: 801317CE

Cloaks.esp Active Checksum: 6DD8E390
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

DarkKnight&PaladinWS.esp Checksum: DDA1BA43

darkseraticheavyarmor.esp Active Checksum: 25A59FD9

DawnguardPaladinArmorCP.esp Active Checksum: 9DEF0FB0

dragonpriestmasks.esp Active Checksum: 7C3D7114

dragonslayer.esp Active Checksum: BF226AD8

Divine Aegis.esp Active Checksum: 1386190B

Divine Aegis Sword.esp Active Checksum: 7EE78C69

ExtendedVanillaWeapons.esp Active Checksum: 8FEE2D22

FF7 Blades.esp Active Checksum: 8D94DC6F

grayseraticheavyarmor.esp Active Checksum: F897C2BC

gun.esp Active Checksum: 278308D9

hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Checksum: 53E0D03D
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
* Contains dirty edits: 5 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").
* Error: SPIKE.esm is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without it.

I5KWeaponOH.esp Active Checksum: D395C848
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

InigoPerkPointGiver.esp Active Checksum: F3ECA477

Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp Active Checksum: 1A564FBA

KURESE Gloria conversion.esp Active Checksum: 15666937
* Requires: DIMONIZED UNP female body ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709")

lexyrex - magic arrow.esp Active Checksum: F7098CD0

lilithsslayer.esp Active Checksum: 4659A040

Lineage 2 Weapons.esp Active Checksum: 2C05D2C7

LordOfWar_TW2.esp Active Checksum: 370BEBA1

LPotD Armor.esp Active Checksum: EEC08692

LpotDHorse.esp Active Checksum: F8E960CF
* Contains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. (Cleaning Guide) ("http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-")

Nicoroshi Creations.esp Active Checksum: 8937841C

Noble Coliseum Champion Armour.esp Active Checksum: DA996D02

Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp Active Checksum: F7CA0176

Medium-40Percent.esp Active Checksum: 3FEB71B8
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
* Note: Use only one optional leveled list. (High, Medium, Standard or Uber)

prvti_heavyarmory.esp Active Checksum: AEC0161C
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Remodeled Armor.esp Active Checksum: AFC2F3DD

Saber.esp Active Checksum: 49275EE6

same.esp Active Checksum: D0FB930D

sevensts.esp Active Checksum: 114A07BC
* Contains dirty edits: 0 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

Schwertleite Set.esp Active Checksum: 2CC97DA7

Shi.esp Active Checksum: 9DC6A452

SilverDragonArmor.esp Active Checksum: F254086C

Soul River.esp Active Checksum: 360BA51

sword_yamato.esp Checksum: A802B1B2

TERAArmors.esp Active Checksum: 4BC1F9C3
* Requires: DIMONIZED UNP female body ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709")

TERA Armors for Skyrim - UNP.esp Active Checksum: 32A63FA7
* Requires: DIMONIZED UNP female body ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709")

TERA Weapons.esp Active Checksum: 2B1892C5

throwingweapons.esp Active Checksum: E2C3F5C2

ThunderBirdArmor.esp Active Checksum: E2AEDC5F

Thor.esp Active Checksum: CED9B5F5

tom349fistweapons.esp Active Checksum: 75746626

typemoonWeapon.esp Active Checksum: 248EA5E7

tyraelarmorvariations.esp Active Checksum: B622B871

Unique Uniques.esp Active Checksum: A9758A86

variant_armor_masks.esp Active Checksum: C3C72641

VickysArmor.esp Active Checksum: 88185FBD

DeadlyDragonsSpells.esp Active Checksum: B95F1AA6

cabin in the woods.esp Active Checksum: 1E46E5FE

DarkKnightPaladin.esp Active Checksum: C3CA7F1B

Dragon Falls Manor.esp Active Checksum: 197A15AB
* Contains dirty edits: 63 ITM, 19 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

elvenwood.esp Checksum: 6F322088

gleaming falls.esp Active Checksum: D68B3694

hg.esp Checksum: DE4817F2

neiheleim.esp Checksum: CFCFE1D4

Overhauled Throne Rooms.esp Checksum: 64AA8CF2

RiversideLodge.esp Active Checksum: 604B9282

Skyrim School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.esp Active Checksum: ACDBE8AC

Thunderbolt - The Shout Package.esp Active Checksum: 2F852230

alcoholiceffect.esp Checksum: A940F7F

BurntCorpse.esp Active Checksum: CEF6ED21

Ket_ARMONIZER_LListsNPC.esp Active Checksum: B96F7183
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}
* Contains dirty edits: 6 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

MoreTraining_20.esp Active Checksum: C344293

dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Checksum: B9F89854

dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp Checksum: 86356D43

WayOfTheMonk.esp Active Checksum: 6826B4F6

Realistic Lighting - Addon.esp Active Checksum: C4F4A1A8
* Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version.

Realistic Lighting.esp Active Checksum: 3906878F

Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp Active Checksum: FF2A7BCD

Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp Active Checksum: C8244604
* Contains dirty edits: 5 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit")

ArrowSpell.esp Active Checksum: 6AC238DB

ArcaneFist.esp Active Checksum: 902FF13F
* Note: Obsolete. Update to the latest renamed version, ArcaneFist - Expert to Master.esp or ArcaneFist - Nerf Version.esp

ASX_Spells.esp Active Checksum: FF25D36A

bankai.esp Active Checksum: A0B5A19E
* Contains dirty edits: 16 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

MidasSkyrim.esp Active Checksum: D931DDED

excaliburEX.esp Active Checksum: 6A1CF82D

FlashStep.esp Active Checksum: 34794BED

MasterTheTimeAndSpaceTOGGLE.esp Active Checksum: FA3FD6C7

MaximumDrive.esp Active Checksum: 146CD1E3

More elements in skyrim.esp Active Checksum: 2AB8A62E
* Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp Checksum: 1B9902FF
* Note: Obsolete. Update to the latest renamed version, Phenderix's Magic Evolved - Cleaned
* Note: Reported about some versions of this plugin cause frequent crashes. Use with caution and update to latest version. If You don't see frequent crashes in your game then ignore this message.

Phenderix's Magic Evolved - Cleaned.esp Active Checksum: 2669D91E
* Note: Use only one of Phenderix's Magic Evolved esp

Phenderix's Magic Evolved - Cleaned - No Perks.esp Checksum: 46129E65
* Note: Use only one of Phenderix's Magic Evolved esp

Phenderix's Ultimate Magic System.esp Active Checksum: 87ACA9AE
* Contains dirty edits: 5 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

SSAPBWK.esp Active Checksum: ADD5D9F8

SwordDance.esp Active Checksum: F73F4730
* Contains dirty edits: 4 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

testspells.esp Active Checksum: FE750366

UBW.esp Active Checksum: C4117367

FNISspells.esp Active Checksum: 9CE8669

Lost Magic.esp Active Checksum: D9C79849
* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

magicduel.esp Checksum: 41B12B90

zinvestedmagicsteam.esp Active Checksum: C251517F

ElaborateEnchantments.esp Active Checksum: 9B759FD5

zzzEverlastingWeaponEnchant.esp Active Checksum: 79B769BF

duel weild 2 hand.esp Checksum: 546FCEA3
* Contains dirty edits: 7 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

Eld-unarmedCombat.esp Active Checksum: 26276C74

the dance of death.esp Active Checksum: A00209EA
* Warning: Dawnguard detected. Use The Dance of Death - Dawnguard Edition.esp instead.

Balanced_Alteraton.esp Active Checksum: 1780D9C6

Balanced_Conjuration.esp Active Checksum: 4E32E019

Balanced_Destruction.esp Active Checksum: 207A97E8

Balanced_Illusion.esp Active Checksum: 95745BC5

MorePerksPerLevel.esp Active Checksum: 1E4B26B3

jutsu.esp Active Checksum: D08DC23A

SexiSCupid.esp Checksum: A5A40099
* Error: SexiS.esm is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without it.

Sit Anywhere.esp Checksum: F8B71694

LovelyHairstyles.esp Active Checksum: 1FE73278

Oblivion hair.esp Active Checksum: 1A50A23

Oblivion hair2.esp Active Checksum: 58776C93

SGHairPack06.esp Checksum: FC043D49

SGHairPack04.esp Checksum: 80E18884

SGHairPack02.esp Checksum: 6CA1BFF2

SGHairPack01.esp Checksum: 81FE27C4

SGHairPack03.esp Checksum: 8077BAD4

SGHairPack05.esp Checksum: DA9D139A

Naruto - Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: 614C4FDA
* Contains dirty edits: 8 ITM, 1108 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

TemptressVixen.esp Active Checksum: 45168108

Sundys_Male_Presets.esp Active Checksum: 346A3354

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: 396AE69F
* Warning: UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp required to work properly with Hearthfires (Official Bethesda DLC)
* Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load again, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14037").
* Contains dirty edits: 18 ITM, 0 UDR records Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp Active Checksum: A7A56D2
* Contains dirty edits: 18 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

My Home Is Your Home.esp Active Checksum: C36587B3
* Contains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

Alexina.esp Active Checksum: 37FCED5

Amanda.esp Active Checksum: D95C062F

FollowerBerserker.esp Active Checksum: B43DDC37

Juliette.esp Active Checksum: E7770623

Lyla.esp Checksum: 8EDADFE4

mayatola CTV.esp Active Checksum: B6CC10B4
* Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version.

mayatola AV.esp Active Checksum: 7B25C6AC
* Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version.

Michelle.esp Active Checksum: 3DE618E2

Misha.esp Active Checksum: 117A28E9

Mjoll.esp Active Checksum: 75931CEE
* Requires: ApachiiSkyHair ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10168")

Stella.esp Active Checksum: 1E7ECE7D

WOME_Galadriel.esp Checksum: ED484148

WOME_Arwen.esp Checksum: 980801DC

WOME_Eowyn.esp Checksum: 8FA33DFB

Companion_Ari.esp Active Checksum: E2658E58

Companion_Ria.esp Active Checksum: B60462A8

SGFChastity.esp Active Checksum: DEDB421F

SGFEris.esp Active Checksum: 9658AA87

SGFKodelia.esp Active Checksum: CDDD13B8

SGFLucretia.esp Active Checksum: DAFDDFF6

SGFSabeena.esp Active Checksum: 326D9E7B

Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Checksum: B407DE90

EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp Active Checksum: 3BDC1AA5

Animated Enchantments.esp Active Checksum: 3B216A64

getSnowy.esp Active Checksum: F1EBDDA9

purewaters.esp Active Checksum: 8B7A0B2A

Map Markers Camps & Shacks.esp Active Checksum: F04A0D8

smakit_house_markers_plus.esp Active Checksum: 6FDBD6B9
* Contains dirty edits: 12 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit").

Unrecognised Plugins

The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed.

circlemaic.esp Active Checksum: A339EF78

DragonFireball.esp Active Checksum: 237C1B2D

excalibur .esp Active Checksum: 14723D90

Fate.esp Active Checksum: E2BFA196

HolyFlamesSpell.esp Active Checksum: E3D42BA7

Lesser_GoB.esp Active Checksum: AD3F0E06

Magical Arrows and Weapons Plus Bolts & Crossbows.esp Active Checksum: B69F41DE

MagicCore.esp Active Checksum: 51DCBF25

MasterfulMagics.esp Active Checksum: E099C81C

necromancy+.esp Active Checksum: 7A5D6709

SharinganPowers.esp Active Checksum: 285777

ShieldEnchantments.esp Active Checksum: EEF3AA05

ShiverTwitch's True Destruction Wall.esp Active Checksum: F1340D8F

Soul Limits Spell Pack.esp Active Checksum: 69365FC1

StarShot.esp Active Checksum: D2E1DE4B

swordflame.esp Active Checksum: 12AE9ACF

swordspear.esp Active Checksum: D78C1E92

TheKillingMoon.esp Active Checksum: C7BBA664

Soul Scrolls.esp Active Checksum: 2D09F643

spellsgalore.esp Checksum: ABB9311F

1nivWICSkyCloaksNorthPatch.esp Active Checksum: F0E6F2B9

Adele.esp Active Checksum: F2CF87D1

Alt. Dragon Knight Helmet.esp Active Checksum: C10965F5

Alto Angelo Armor.esp Active Checksum: 55A31362

Angelo Credo Armor.esp Active Checksum: CEAEAF3F

Aries&Tombstone.esp Active Checksum: 26696A88

Berial's Sword.esp Active Checksum: 8E583541

Bianco Angelo.esp Active Checksum: 2C6D4CE1

bleach.esp Active Checksum: B0CDE580

Cabal Weapons.esp Active Checksum: BB205F8

Cheat.esp Active Checksum: 36E61AD2

comehere.esp Active Checksum: D9B90FDF

Dante Demon Armor.esp Checksum: 36D4D54C

darksiders_fists.esp Active Checksum: 8C5457B3

DragonTomb.esp Active Checksum: D79785A6

Elven & SAC Bows.esp Active Checksum: 37767538

enchantingsupplies.esp Active Checksum: 68F220B7

FinishAttack.esp Active Checksum: 59C9E65E

fireaice.esp Active Checksum: 21FEE2CC

Gun Blade.esp Active Checksum: BCCC0A01

Infinite charges for all staves.esp Active Checksum: 2E4E9900

Itachiring.esp Active Checksum: D610EF07

Kawaii followers.esp Active Checksum: 8554143F

Kingdom Hearts.esp Active Checksum: A6580E3B

Kur0us_Amberstone.esp Active Checksum: 67D5DAB4

Lanaya.esp Active Checksum: BAAFC5D1

Lilith.esp Active Checksum: E233C365

Lineage 2 Shields and Sigils.esp Active Checksum: 5D94DA3B

magebooks.esp Active Checksum: 8E28ABCC

mayatola ADEC.esp Active Checksum: CF3CB0E7

mxmjhideaway.esp Checksum: 264DAE2A

Nero.esp Active Checksum: 7F2B8942

NEW dRAGONS3.0.esp Active Checksum: 83EBDC5C

nhb.esp Active Checksum: 879D2F70

PaladinAureate.esp Active Checksum: 97C55189

rest.esp Active Checksum: 77DD6339

rubicite.esp Active Checksum: 958AF8F1

Sapphire Dagger.esp Active Checksum: A8867616

SUNMagicArmor.esp Active Checksum: AF6546BA

ThirdEraWars.esp Active Checksum: 9826FD9B

Toad's Tera.esp Active Checksum: 48A59A6F

ts_taleofthetongues.esp Active Checksum: 22CE4267

Way of the Spellblade.esp Active Checksum: EBDEEEA1

DaggerMagic.esp Active Checksum: 453562C7

Ash Magic.esp Active Checksum: CCA02C7B

cloakhonor.esp Active Checksum: C082BE10

1.10S.O.S - Spell Of Spawn.esp Active Checksum: A4FA4820

SRIlta.esp Active Checksum: 2F502195

SRIsaka.esp Active Checksum: 7C53E81F

SRKirsikka.esp Active Checksum: 910E9913

SRMaisa.esp Active Checksum: 6C1B9A6E

SRSarasta.esp Active Checksum: C62BE6BF

WardedShields.esp Active Checksum: FDE769A8

Dragon Powers.esp Active Checksum: AA38BAF

Elementall Magic & More.esp Active Checksum: B5EC1461

spellpack2.esp Active Checksum: D5AF7BA

tentaclespawnspell.esp Active Checksum: 7CFDAE26

Upgraded Weapons and Armors.esp Active Checksum: 6BC72812

Add Perk Points.esp Active Checksum: 578B1D85

WardItems.esp Active Checksum: DBC4180F

AelaReplace v2.esp Active Checksum: 48077892

Lovergirl Race.esp Active Checksum: B73D8D9A

Lovergirls Follower Pack.esp Active Checksum: C767BC67

person123456skinnyclothing.esp Active Checksum: 2AEA3F67

AANEtherealDragon01.esp Active Checksum: 799D49FD

arenaisland01.esp Checksum: 39E9DF76

Better Runes - Greater Range and Multiple Cast.esp Checksum: 15790AB

dragonslave.esp Checksum: A284693B

MasterPsiblade.esp Checksum: D7183102

Powers of the Dragoon.esp Checksum: 67C2C664

SSS.esp Checksum: DA59AD9

town music test.esp Active Checksum: 33DDD47F

chfshImbuedSword.esp Active Checksum: 2C1A0E2B

Lord Protector Armor.esp Checksum: 67249935

PhaseSpells.esp Active Checksum: C121E835



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I think you should use this mod : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29624/

and then install the DisableFacegenCache v1-1 . I think it will works :)


And, if you don't want, when you're using "showracemenu", that your skill change, you can use this too : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9458/


I'm using all this, and it works like a charm !

Edited by Noldorakk
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This isn't a "Really Strange Female Character CTD".....As you stated, you went really far into the game with a MALE character then decided to change them to Female. Seriously....what did you expect to happen?


You've changed one aspect of the game, your characters sex.....but EVERY characters script that you interacted with prior has no way of understanding that change. The first time you talked with them you were a male, now you're entering the cell as Female. IMO I think you were expecting the game to handle a bit more then it was capable of. Especially if you got really far into it as Male.


And you might want to look for the Precache Race Menu Killer mod.

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