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The Path of Knowledge/Tel Mithryn glitch.


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Anybody know what's up with the glitch in Tel Mithryn? I don't know if it's related to the town, or the quest. Been watching my roommate play, and he was doing the Path of Knowledge quest. He went to talk to Neloth, but when he went to the mushroom house and tried to use "float up" to get to the next floor, it didn't work. The screen went third person, but he didn't float anywhere. He kept trying and it wouldn't work. He left, and his follower Marcurio didn't follow him out, and using console commands to get him out of the building had him trying to walk back inside. He had to console command his way up to Neloth to talk to him. When he tried to leave "float down" didn't work, either. He didn't have the Etheral shout so he had to console command God Mode to avoid dying from the fall.


What causes this glitch, and how can it be avoided? Marcurio didn't follow my roommate through any of the next step of the quest, and I'm hoping that I can keep Erik following me. I don't want to have to leave behind crafting materials or good weapons to sell because Erik is trying to hang out at the mushroom house.


If it makes a difference, we have Hearthfire and Dragonborn, but not Dawnguard, and we have patch 1.9. I don't know what all mods he's using that could potentially cause problems.

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