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Nexus Mods Site suggestions


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Was wanting to put some site suggestions down for maybe a future site update.


1) On the tab where it shows your download history, allow you to sort it by game instead of all of them put together as a jumble.


2) Have the ability where you can make a specific mod as part of your load order for a game. Not the mod on the page, just something beside the Track and Endorse mod. That way, if you come back to a game after years, you can still pull up your load order you had back in the day and compare it or just reinstall it.


Thank you for the site. I swear it feels like I play around with the mods more than I do the games.

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1) On the tab where it shows your download history, allow you to sort it by game instead of all of them put together as a jumble.


This is actually already possible (although not particularly intuitive. If you go to your download history via a game site, it's filtered. e.g. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/myaccount?tab=download+history


You can get to this link from the "Mods" section in the site header.



Have the ability where you can make a specific mod as part of your load order for a game. Not the mod on the page, just something beside the Track and Endorse mod. That way, if you come back to a game after years, you can still pull up your load order you had back in the day and compare it or just reinstall it.


We actually have something a little bit like this in the works. Hopefully we'll be able to say more about it in a few months!

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