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Wolves damage issue


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After update 0.148.6 my 1 star wolves got 160 health

But my max upgraded Frostner with 40 in blunt lvl, only do 4-10 damage to my wolf.

I'm using over 50 mods, so I'm clueless to where to start troubleshooting.

Are there anyone else playing Valheim, that have the same problem? Also had a tamed no-star wolf that was hard to kill, but with 80 health it was "quicker"

Wild wolves are normal to kill, and my weapon has expected effect.

At the moment, it is quicker to portal to one of the Mountain biomes, and kill 20 wolves, then try to take out 20 from the wolves-pen.

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Using Keezy's Better Wolves? It has configurable damage reduction from mobs and players that may be causing it.

Dang it! You are so spot on... I forgot that my TamedWolfPlayerDamageReduction is set to 95, since I always killed my Wolf companion during mob fights. Some testing long time ago, that was way forgotten...

Thank you!!

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