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skyrim freezes and crashes please help!


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hey guys, i need help. when i try to load a skyrim saved game it will load normally like il play with the picture and move around and stuff but after roughly 5-10 seconds it will crash to desktop. i get no warnings at all.

also when i try to make a new game it freezes at the skyrim icon and the music and smoke at the bottom and it will just stay like that.

please help ive tried the skyrimprefs, load order, TES5edit, full reinstall and the sound thing where you change it too 41000 or something.

it worked at first till i have to get off, and when i got back on my pc to try to play again these problems started.


thanks :)

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STEP Guide to making Skyrim Vanilla


Try following that guide. One really good benefit with using it, is that you will not have to do a download of ALL the Skyrim game files. Some, but not all.


So get yourself back to Vanilla, then I'd try starting a NEW game. Verify that Skyrim starts and runs properly before you even go about installing any of your mods. I've even seen it mentioned quite a bit actually...that it's a really good idea to get yourself all the way through Helgen without any mods. Just get a basic character established for yourself....Race, Sex, Name....Once you get out of Helgen, install your mods, start your game, and then use the 'showracemenu' command so you can tweak your character.

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