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2 mod questions


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Hey all new to modding and first just want to thank this great community for making this feel like a new game. Questions:

1) I'd like to install Herman the Mad (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11473) but also have UFO currently installed (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14037/). I've herad their not compatible, If I wanted to get Herman up and running do I just deactivate UFO or do I have have to uninstall it completely?

2) I have XCE's Face mods installed (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2356/) and I'd like to add Coverwomen (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3563) for the females. Do I have to load Coverwomen after XCE or does it not matter?

Sorry if these are dumb questions, I'm new to modding and just paranoid about jacking my game up.

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1) From comments, it seems that some people can't get multiple followers when both UFO and Herman mods are active. If you want to have multiple followers, you can't use Herman. Technically, I suppose that you could have both activated, but it just means that UFO would be pretty useless.


2) I installed (not loaded; there's a difference, because you cannot "load" these mods) XCE before Coverwomen and let the Coverwomen mod overwrite XCE's files. Everyone looks fine to me, but I'm not sure what would happen if you did the opposite.


They're not dumb questions; they're pretty valid questions. Good luck!

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I just installed Herman the Mad (and uninstalled UFO), ran through Bleak Falls but didn't see him. I see that the mod hasn't been updated in a year, anyone know if Herman still works?


edit: Nevermind just saw him near the campfire at the beginning. But another problem, he walks up to me but doesn't say anything. Just kinda follows me around a bit but won't follow me outside or anything.

Edited by VDarksteel
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Since he hasn't been updated in over a year, and all of the patches that Skyrim has added in that time....I would have to suggest you dump that mod. To much has changed in the game, and the mod author apparently didn't feel that mod needed updating, or they lost interest.


But I'd consider dropping it.

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