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Skyrim CTD after autodetecting settings


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Okay, so here is what happens:

I run 208 mods together and have been successfully for a long while. I play in windowed mode, and had to use some special thing to get it to work with skse a long time ago. Thing is, I have no idea what that "special thing" was and it has just worked for me ever since.


So today, I was playing and everything was fine, just launching skse from NMM. Then I got the inkling to change it to full-screen for whatever reason. I launched the skyrim launcher from my install location and immediately it popped up with "autodetecting your graphics settings" as if it was my first time launching the game. After this, no matter what I do, skyrim always crashes to desktop immediately after the bethesda logo. I have tried windowed mode and full screen.


Anyone have any idea on how to fix this weird issue? I have no idea what changed


Thanks in advance

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Skyrim and SKSE are up to date for sure


My PC has been handling everything on ultra for a while, even though all I did was just launched skyrim a different way


Mods were working just a second before I launched it the different way. They are all organized with BOSS

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Make backups of your Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini.....Then Delete the originals. By default they are located in your My Documents>My Games>Skyrim folder.


Verify your Skyrim Integrity Cache through Steam. It will download a couple of files. Once complete launch Skyrim through NMM or however you care to. Launching from the Steam Launcher or from TESV.exe, or Skyrim Launcher.exe will have the graphic setting auto detect screen appear again, so you may want to avoid launching from any of those.

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