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Cooking more foods: more recipes?


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There are a few raw meats that is not in any craftable recipe: ant meat, radroach meat, giant rat, fire gecko meat....


I want to know if there's any mod out there and give recipes to make use of those unused resources? Cause currently I just store them all up (or sell them all out).


Guys, any taker?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another note for food recipe:


Essence of *stuff* Nectar: to reduce the weight of two types of ant nectars, and make use of empty syringe. No need to change anything other than weight.


Item type: Essence of Ant Nectar.

Recipe entry: two entry


1. Essence of Ant Nectar: same effect as Fire Ant nectar, weight=weight of a syringe, EAN=10Antnectar+syringe+pressurecooker(use, not expended)+surgicaltubing(use, not expended)+workbench This is to distil AN into the same as FAN, as AN is pretty useless compared to alcohol or FAN.

2. Essence of Fire Ant Nectar: same effect as Fire Ant nectar, weight=weight of a syringe, EAN=FireAntnectar+syringe+pressurecooker(use, not expended)+surgicaltubing(use, not expended)+workbench. This is to allow bringing more FAN, as they are more useful than most AIDs item.


As for its use, Fire ant nectar is the only thing that increase +4AGI. In combination with either Black Coffee or Mentat you can have a wonderful increase of AGI for battle.

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