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Some areas are too bright for me. How can I adjust it?


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The lighting mods I'm using right now are:


Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel

FXAA Post Process Injector


And while I'm enjoying them very much and they make my game look nice, I've noticed some areas (especially in caves) are way too bright for comfort, and I was wondering what I should adjust to fix this.


I've also have shadows disabled, and I thought that maybe the lack of shadows might have something to do with some areas being too bright?

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Did you download the optional files from RLO? There is one file there that on the description page states:


"RLO - Adaptive Interiors Vanilla Weathers Patch. This is a compulsory file for people who use Vanilla weathers or mods that alter vanilla weathers (such as Legacy Weathers, URWL etc). If you do not use this, lighting will not work correctly indoors during day/night transitions and will have inconsistent brightness levels especially between clear and rainy weather. This feature should be directly implemented into COT."


I try to steer clear of lighting overhauls simply because I've never had good luck with them....but considering that you're using CoT, perhaps you might need that patch? I don't know....I don't use CoT or RLO.

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