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i desperately need a corridor with 100s of mannequins and racks


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im scanning the internet up and down and the only one i find is dovakhins armory, which i tried and had lots of problems, plus is super non lore friendly.

Is there not just a mod with say 200 mannequins plus?

i would love to have ANYTHING like that, even real simple like just a room or a corridor with just perfectly lined mannequins and weapon racks..

cant find anything..

its all around 90 tops or less


cheers guys

amazing community :))

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There are performance issues when you get a lot of NPCs in one location (even if they have their AI turned off).


That said, if you use Legacy of the Dragonborn, there is an addon mod which increases the mannequin limit by 240 spread across several rooms (for performance reasons). Additional weapon racks are added too. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39565

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To add to the other poster; Mannequins are just NPCs with disabled AI and a scripted menu. so they are almost as performance heavy as other actors, especially once you start adding equipment.


It will also have astronomical load times. Even just filling up half of one LoTDs custom mannequin rooms can kill your framerate and take ages to load and i think they only have like 20-30 per cell.


Additionally mannequins are a pain in the ass to put together in the CK, as copy pasting containers has like a 50% chance of some bug, linking to the wrong reference or occasionally a CTD.


If the corridor aesthetic is a priority my house mod has like 16 mannequins lined up in 2 rows, but LoTD is probably the best bet.

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