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Which numbers are important?


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Active plugins -- don't let them exceed 254 (including game ESM files -- not including "light" plugins)

Total plugins -- if your active plugins hit the 254 limit, remove the inactive plugins as it can cause issues.


Total mods / Installed mods / Active mods -- any amount of non plugin mods, plugin mods must not exceed the active plugin limit


SKSE DLL plugin mods -- unknown if there is a limit


EDIT: Some standard plugin mods can be converted to light plugins. Other standard plugin mods can be merged with certain utilities. These methods can help reduce the plugin count and thus allow more plugin mods to be usable.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Some mods can be flagged as ESL in xEdit to give you back some slots.

yup, and if you use Vortex, they can often be converted to what Vortex calls light (ESL or defacto ESL) by simply clicking a button from the plugin tab's side panel.

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