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(adult screenshots) Bodyslider has fractured my texture


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Hi, after I used bodyslider on my cbbe body the texture split at the hips. It kind of appears as though the model itself split but I don't think thats the case. That model was done with no sliders above 100% around the midsection. I'm real new to this, would I just be able to open and edit the .dds files for my character or would I need to generate new UV mappings or such? Thanks!






Another question, why does bodyslider have 2 sets of sliders?

(oh and this isn't my texture in the sence I made it)

Edited by braknar
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I didn't notice the belly button was off but that makes sense since in bodyslider I gave her a larger tummy. but the problem there is I'll still have to tweak the texture file since I plan on altering the breasts the nipples will probably be off till I do

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