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Conjuration alternate EXP gain + Mana use


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Excuse me if this has already been modded but I had to ask.


I really dislike how Conjuration EXP works, the per cast model is understandable for most other spell schools but it feels so out of place for conjuration. I was wondering if someone could make a mod so that EXP is gained per hit from the summon. Similar to how melee and marksman skills are handled, the mod would give conjuration exp every time the summoned familiar/atronach/undead hit an enemy. In turn this would allow an increase in conjure time and creature health without compromising the EXP gain.


Would this be easily doable?




I also have a second idea for summons, concerning mana usage. To compensate for the above, where fewer casts would be involved, I propose that conjures decrease the mana pool size of the caster during their summoning. For example, the player has 200 mana and decideds to conjure an atronach which costs him 100 mana. Instead of him regenerating that lost mana, the mana cost of the spell is reserved to keep the summon alive. The mages regeneration is normal but is stunted at 100/200 mana. When the summon is killed or called back via a custom spell, the mana cap is taken off and the mage can regen his mana to 200/200 once again.


Any thoughts?

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A new EXP model would be annoying.

You would need to create a script distribution cloak:



I have something in SkyTweak for scaling conjuration duration with conjuration level.

Adjustable summon health might be troublesome, it depends on how the perk entry point reanimate works.



It's a good idea so I'll implement the creature scaling system into SkyTweak today.


the last thing about mana usage, it's done been done before.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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