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Need help getting two race mods to work plz!


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In the past i was somehow able to get both the {Dagi-Raht khajiti ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20627 ) and Half-orc ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23947/ )} race mods to work together. however the creater of the Dagi-Raht khajiti race mod has since stopped supporting it and it's page on Nexus is gone, so i know come to you all for help. at present with all dlc, updates, and unoffical patches installed i can only get one of the two mods to work at a time. I have even tried the all-in-one racecompatablity mod, but to no avail. if any one has these two mod or would like a copy of the Dagi-Raht khajiti race mod and would be willing to help me get them both to work, i would be very greatful.


if some1 could tell me what in the to mods are conflicting maybe we can get this to work, their both beautiful races and i really would love to play with them both.


Link about the Dagi-Raht khajiti race mod sice the one on Nexus is gone, incase any1 is intrested


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a Retexture of Dagi-Raht khajiti that is rather awsome as well

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If any1 want the Dagi-Raht khajiti race mod, post a reply and i'll try to get it to you through e-mail i guess, i think i still have the latest version.


Edited by Zaldiir
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