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(Request)Re-locking Doors


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In fallout 3 we get keys and have them forever, but after they unlock a door there not needed anymore, so i was hoping for a Mod that would re-lock doors in the game, so you can lock or unlock a door, from NPC moving freely in a area, and to find a safe place to heal/reload from Monster attacking you. And you must have the key to unlock/lock the door
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I was thinking of the same thing. I think if you have a key for a door or container, you should be able to re-lock it. Preferably with a different key on the keyboard to avoid annoying dialogs every time you pass through a re-lockable door.

I would also like to see the ability to re-lock previously locked doors and containers that you don't have a key for - you have to be able to pick locks one (maybe two?) skill magnitude higher in order to re-lock without a key. It could be useful for evading pursuit by running through a door and locking it behind you (if it's a lockable door) or locking items into a container for safekeeping (prevent it from respawning if that's even possible)

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know about that TGBlank, there are a few times I have killed someone in Rivet City and been swamped by having too many near-by hostiles and have ducked into a room to recover.


I have used the console command to lock the door and even on times I have used a value of 10 (pathetically low) not one of them have been able to unlock it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I just did a test, and it seems that NPC can't unlock doors, i have tested it with Raiders, and they know i was there, and that all could not open the door, I have it at Lock 50, but i do think that they can Pick lack doors if set lower, i have not tested it yet
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Use this script and put it onto any Activator such as a button (search for: genelec), then link the activator to the door via linked reference.


SCN LockDoorScript

Ref MyLink

Begin OnActivate

Set MyLink to GetLinkedRef

If MyLink.getOpenstate == 1

MyLink.setopenstate 0
MyLink.Lock 255

ElseIf MyLink.GetOpenState == 0

MyLink.SetOpenstate 1




Remember, you MUST link the door to the activator.

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i cant use G.E.C.K. very well, and i was hoping that if you have a key it would lock it self once you close the door, and it well unlock once its open, But Thank you for Script, Eleglas, i well give you 1 Kudo
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I suppose you could I could write a script for a gun that when you shoot the door it will lock it.


I'll have a think and see what i come up with.




This script might work, its untested as fallout doesn't work on my laptop.


SCN UnLockGunScript

Ref Door

Begin ScriptEffectStart

Set Door to GetLastHitCritical

If Door.getlocked == 1



Door.Lock 255




You will have to make a gun with a very high critical chance (like 10000000%) as well as adding this script into a base effect and then an object effect.


I can do all that for you tomorrow after collage, but I suggest you try and do it tonight, I can talk you through it if you want.

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